-enable-sdl-video -enable-sdl-audio -disable-vosf -disable-jit-compilerĬonfigure Basilisk II: sudo nano. Then compile it… cd macemu/basiliskII/src/Unix Get dependencies: sudo apt-get install git libsdl1.2-dev autoconfĬlone Basilisk II repo : git clone git:///cebix/macemu.git You can find how to do that easily on the Internet… Yes, really :p Basilisk II installation
Have the ability to plug my new Mac Classic on the network….Reuse an original Apple Keyboard (which runs on ADB, a proprietary Apple protocol).Reuse the original power connector and power switch.Make a bezel for my flat screen (I find on eBay a 8 inch 4/3 1024×768 flat screen which I could plug on rPi’s HDMI).Make a Polycarbonate glass in order to replace the CRT-screen (and to reduce empty space between the new flat screen and bezel of the case.I want the final computer to save old look and feel of a real Mac, so I decided to: I will start with an Apple Macintosh Classic II case, and want to have a fully functional System 7 OS running under Basilisk II emulator on a Raspberry Pi 3.